Fall series:Restoring Radiance

Join us for an inspiring, interactive series this autumn!

Restoring Radiance

Connect    Discover    Release stress

4-part series to explore:

  • Creativity, sources of hope, becoming more aware in daily life
  • Being gentle with yourself, tuning into your needs and dreams


4 Saturdays from Sept-Dec, 2014, 3-5 pm.  Sept 20, Oct 18, Nov 15, and Dec 13.

Cost: $165

Men and women of all ages are welcome!

Register with Karyn: 778.708.8966E: connect@refresharts.com

'Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life'   -Rumi

I look forward to welcoming you for a supportive, rejuvenating group!  -KD

How creativity can revive your life

Sidewalk Art    -photo by Karyn

Cultivating Imagination

 Discovery    Inspiration

Free Intro talks!

Experience how Expressive Arts can encourage transformation and growth in your life.

Your moment to explore...

How imagination, creativity, and being playful or lighthearted can reduce strain, stress and feeling stuck or overwhelmed.

Let us allow ourselves to connect with the heart and intuition.

Join us for an hour and fifteen minutes:

  • July 23: 7 pm   Invigorate
  • July 26: 10 amConnect
  • August 20: 7 pmUnwind
  • Sept 6: 10 am    Connect
  • Oct 25: 10 am   Invigorate
  • Nov 22: 10 am Unwind

Location: The talks are held at I)  Glow Wellness Centre, #400-1008 Homer St at Nelson, and II) Tapestry Counseling Centre, #203- 4381 Fraser St at 26th Avenue. Karyn will confirm the location when you sign up.

Please register for your preferred dates: connect@refresharts.com or call 778-708-8966.

I look forward to greeting you!  -KD

Inviting Ease


I am enchanted with Rumi's poetry even more than usual these days.

My heart feels ripe for his kind of soul-full words, where he describes the essence of a person or a beautiful act of living; something real in a simple and profound way. His writings required attentiveness and carefully chosen words I am sure- though they offer a sense of ease when I read them.

I am learning to invite ease into my life. A friend and colleague shared this wisdom with me the other day, and I was touched by it: There is plenty of time to be doing what you love.

Aahh, yes there is. I am taking step by little step, and sometimes great leaps! I am learning to BE IN each step, to embody each movement with positivity, awareness, gratefulness for what is and what is coming to be.  This is a moment-by-moment practice.

A thought to ponder: Where could you invite more ease into your life?


* Thank you to quoteswave.com for the amazing image I shared above

Bathed in Beauty

Bathed in beauty.

That's how I felt one afternoon this week, singing in a garden under a sycamore tree with a kindred soul beside me.

Fun songs that made us laugh, our own created song about summer, a reflective tune that I like called Silver Moon.  It was simply what I needed: To allow my brain a few moments to connect with laughter, sound, my own voice alongside another's tone.

There is something very powerful about singing together. It breaks into the 'fun' side of the mind, freeing us from the routines of life, from worry; from the list that was previously bogging down my mind.  Singing together encourages fluidity, and being fully present in the moment.

There are studies on the positive effects the brain receives while creating music in a group. Certain areas of our emotional access points are engaged, relaxing the mind in a way that's similar to meditation.

The synergy of breaking into song is so joyful for me.  A nearby man in the gardens thanked us for inspiring him with our music, and spoke of the joy he sensed in us.

A crow landed near us a few times, as though he too felt the magic of our voices, this shared moment of savoring life.

Synergy.  Freedom.  Surprise.