
Re-connecting with your inner creativity

'Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up'. -Pablo Picasso

Here's one way you can re-connect with your inner creativity: Buy a grown up colouring book, with mandalas in it, or any kind of drawings that you can spend time filling in. There are simple illustrations or more complex designs- choose what appeals most to you (That will be what you're needing right now). Studies have shown that the mind naturally goes into relaxation mode whille colouring, allowing the issues on your mind to take a background seat. Get a pack of pencil crayons, and explore your creativity by using various colours, or choosing the shades that feel most calming to you. There are lots of colouring book options at Chapters and Banyen books in Vancouver. You can also print your own mandala through this site:

I hope you enjoy re-connecting with your own creative possibility! It is yours to celebrate, explore, and have fun with. I also wish youa few glorious moments to relax and feel restored as you colour. It is a fantastic way to spend time:)

Sparks of Life

What might breathe more life into you? I received a  facial massage recently, which included some Reflexology points. I was delighted by the softening I felt in my face, and it was a good reminder of how great it feels to receive nurture. I am mindful of the dynanmics of receiving, and have been noticing little moments when it somehow feels more difficult to simply rest into the moment and be nourished. To be still and receive something valuable.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ahh, even writing these words helps my neck relax a little!

I find that scheduling in time for Acupuncture, massage & other healing treatments allows me to create healthy rhythms in my life.                             To honour my need for therapeutic touch and energy work that releases tension and re-balances my psyche. I also slot in time for quiet space by myself, allowing the sounds of the world to take a background seat as I revel in the peacefulness of my  home.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Here I can walk barefoot with the  hard wood floor beneath me, which is very grounding. And here I notice what kind of pace I am needing that day, whether it be slow or a bit quicker.

I'd like to share a photo I took on a slow-paced walk in my neighbourhood. I am enchanted by peonies in a huge way this year, and am often gasping at a new colour I just noticed:)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  For me this image conveys a sense of being embraced in loving thoughts.


