
What is an Expressive Art session?

You might be asking "What happens during an  Expressive Art session?"  Counseling with a unique twist. A holistic view of how the mind-body connection plays out in people's lives. The way I work is a blending of: Conversation about what is important to you. That might include something that has you feeling 'stuck' or lacking energy; conflict with your partner; or a health condition you're  doing your best to cope with. Encourgaement and tools to make discoveries that lead to positive life changes. For example, we might explore how carrying a lot of responsibility around can be approached in a different way.  Support for seeing a new perspective, or viewing life through fresh eyes.

How can this make a difference?  Presence * Conversation * Encouragement * Emotional Tools * Inspiration *  The gentle, attentive presence of someone who believes you can grow as a person is often uplifting to the spirits. 

With a supportive presence, Karyn encourages people to encounter fuller self-awareness, and to connect with themselves in meaningful ways.

 Notice your strengths. Honour your questions. You are worth it!  I look forward to interacting with you.

One of the best things you can do when the world is storming around you is to pause   -Mitch Thrower